some cultures believe that seeing a zopilote is a harbinger of bad luck. but what if you see a whole kettle of them?!??
'never again during the remainder of his journey to San Francisco would he equal or surpass this day's eighty-eight-mile effort. furthermore, never again on the trip would he encounter roads as fine as those he met in the Cornhusker state. riding through Wyoming and every state or territory thereafter, Nellis would long for the "excellent paths" of Nebraska.' - An American Cycling Odyssey, 1887
These birds remind me of condors. Speaking of condors, did you by chance win the trip to Italy to ride with the Rapha Condor team? - donk
where's the praying mantis?
oh yeah, i forgot i told anyone about the mantis. here he is, hanging out in the bushes along the trail by southpointe mall.
yo donk, i didn't win anything cause i've never bought anything from their catalog yet. did you score something?
They never contacted me about winning anything. I don't think my passport is current so traveling wouldn't have been really in the cards. I would have liked the 2nd prize Rapha clothing or a subscription to Rouleur for 3rd. No surprise emails about winning though, no winners have been posted either, so I don't even know if it is done. The link about the contest is gone so I *think* it is closed.
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