after the shop closes jd and ep go head to head.
'never again during the remainder of his journey to San Francisco would he equal or surpass this day's eighty-eight-mile effort. furthermore, never again on the trip would he encounter roads as fine as those he met in the Cornhusker state. riding through Wyoming and every state or territory thereafter, Nellis would long for the "excellent paths" of Nebraska.' - An American Cycling Odyssey, 1887
this blog is rad 'cause
1. it has spanish mixed in
2. you ride a freakin bike in nebraska in weather i wouldn't even look out the window at, let alone ride in
3. it makes you 100048 times more hardcore than me
4. who needs uci races when you can commute in nebraska? sheesh. i would lose that game
keep on keepin on.
Are you helping EP cheat?
thanks mandy, but i'd rather have the talent to do uci races like you :)
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