ep contemplates the surroundings as we stopped @ holmes lake for a bit. it was a cold and windy tues night mwc ride, but we had fun doing some fast derbying through trails and construction sites along 84th street suburbia.
'never again during the remainder of his journey to San Francisco would he equal or surpass this day's eighty-eight-mile effort. furthermore, never again on the trip would he encounter roads as fine as those he met in the Cornhusker state. riding through Wyoming and every state or territory thereafter, Nellis would long for the "excellent paths" of Nebraska.' - An American Cycling Odyssey, 1887
yo bro, thanks for fixn my brake...good ride last night, where did you ride off to, Amigos?
sorry I missed it, gott get my cold under control so I slept...
ortiz, anytime man. and yes... i had the munchies so i pulled off to pick up some tots.
cvo, no problem man.. it's better for you to rest up so you can get out this weekend.
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