the crosscheck does pretty good in the snow with the fat 44c mutano rapters.

the elusive campus wild cat, a dangerous creature indeed. i came across three juveniles, but they didn't attack.
'never again during the remainder of his journey to San Francisco would he equal or surpass this day's eighty-eight-mile effort. furthermore, never again on the trip would he encounter roads as fine as those he met in the Cornhusker state. riding through Wyoming and every state or territory thereafter, Nellis would long for the "excellent paths" of Nebraska.' - An American Cycling Odyssey, 1887
A Cafe Mocha from the Crescent Moon sounds good right about now.
i'm a double latte man myself
Have you treid Cafe Italias "Cafe Freddo"?
i've heard of the cafe freddo @ CI before. it's that good eh? what's in it? i think you posted a picture of it on the roadies blog a while ago, it's served in a wine glass?
I beleive its a double or triple shot of espresso with 1tsp sugar over crushed ice (shaken).
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