my friend julie (being the artist that she is and soon to be working in nyc, good luck jules!) is pretty keen on fashion. she queued me into this fashion blog the sartorialist a while ago and i confess that i check it out from time to time. those who know me can really see the influence of it as i've ditched my t-shirts, thermals, and carhartts for cashmere sweaters and pressed wool pants. oui` ooh la la... yeah right. anyway, this sartorialist guy takes a lot of photos of people on his travels, and yes, some are probably those annoyingly rich types, but i can appreciate a shot that captures 'the moment.' one that makes us endlessly ponder who, where, and why did she choose those boots for a bike ride? why not. ah la femme... what an ensemble. i love her bike too.
Those boots complete "the look" on the bike!
nice, i was kind of getting tired of all the pics of you riding your bike.
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