Thursday, April 29, 2010

me 0 - t-storm 1

hmmm... that doesn't look so bad, i have plenty of time.

uh... that wall cloud does seem to be moving pretty fast.

oh sh*t!

one thing i love about living in nebraska, it's the storms. there is nothing like being on the bike and watching a storm come in as you race back to town at dusk. i thought i was gonna make it back without getting rained on but it started to sprinkle as i left the gas station in hickman and i still had 10-15 miles to go. i didn't really mind the light rain at all, but then the lightning started and i was like 'uh oh'. i just put my head down and went as fast as i could. trying to stay in front of a storm is an effective way to practice your time trialing skills that's for sure! :) thankfully the full downpour held off until i was only a few blocks from my place so i didn't have to ride very far soaking wet. the bike needed a wash anyways. here's to a summer of awesome t-storms!

Friday, April 23, 2010

april alley cat

last night i was able to make it one of the monthly informal races that a group of local peeps have been organizing. i had a fun time, though i was in recovery mode all day (perhaps had one to many sapporos, or maybe it was the tequila).

Monday, April 19, 2010

cansado de tanto...

my legs are tired... not from riding but rather from all the dancing! saturday night i rode out to catch brent's band jarana play at the parthenon, and then sunday it was son del llano @ the bourbon theatre downtown. my rumba and salsa steps are a bit rusty so i really needed the practice.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

cumpleaños posse

thanks to (l-r) ryan, lindsey, lis, melissa, ben, ryana, cara, and jon for joining me for an evening of riding bikes, delicious indian food, and getting a bit tipsy on my birthday. thanks to supah G and taura too (they met us at the oven). i had a fun night guys. it was good to see everyone, thanks to you all.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

an oldie but a goodie

i picked up this frameset last fall and finally got her all built last weekend. she's circa '85/'86 vintage so she's kinda old... like me. initially i built her up with aero levers but i didn't like the look so i switched them out for some retro suntour superbe levers instead. i think they go well with this vintage of frame. i really dig the paintjob, in the sun it has a pearlescent sheen to it. overall i'd say she turned out pretty sweet... so i think i will call her dulce.