Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
remembering sam
i saw this little guy on panama road tonight as i made my way back to lincoln. it reminded me of the baby bullsnake that my brother john found while out fishing one time when we were kids . he brought it home and kept it as a pet for a few years. he named him sam, and man he loved that snake. no one else could hold him except john. sam would curl up in his hair and hang on his shoulders like it was nothing. sam grew to be pretty big and it'd freak my mom out everytime he got out of his cage. we'd turn the house upside down looking for him. finally mom said enough and john had to let him go. we took him out to the scottsbluff monument nearby because we figured it'd be a good place for him, and we would go up there a lot so we thought maybe we'd see him again. a year or two later the park rangers at the station there said from time to time they'd hear a loud scream from the women's restroom and they'd have to go in and remove the same huge bullsnake that seemingly was not afraid of humans. we'd like to think it was sam.
get your capitol fix

last thursday i went on a tour of the capitol with moníka. she had never been before and it had been a long time since i'd been in there, at least a decade or more, so i was eager to go too. i'd have to say it's one of the states best architectural treasures by far. there was hardly anyone in there so it was just moníka and i, and we lucked out big time by getting a really cool tour guide too (if you go ask for jamison). the young kid knew his stuff, and we spent almost a half hour alone discussing just the details of the murals in the vestibule. most of the observation deck was closed except for one part, and we were bummed that the very top was close but still it was pretty cool. all total we were in there almost two hours and we didn't see everything. if you haven't ever been, you definitely should check it out. they have free tours every day of the week.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
le gustan bianchis y ferraris

i met up with some peeps at the roller derby tonight. congrats to our ladies on two wins! after the bars and before heading for food, megan wanted to take a spin on my bike (and i must admit she did better than the last time). she then proceeded to commandeer a green ferrari.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
black cat monday

coming home this afternoon i discovered someone on my steps. he didn't have a collar, spooked easily, and wouldn't let me get too close so i'm thinking he might be a stray. he sure is a pretty kitty. i wanted to make him feel welcome but i was a bit worried that he was living his last moments because right around the corner beechum was outside lounging on the back steps and apparently unaware that another kitty was in his territory. when they met face to face it was a bit tense. big ol' beechum chased off the interloper a few times before i ran upstairs and grabbed a few cans of fancy feast that i had for just a situation such as this. i finally got them to eat together... though ten feet apart. they kept a close eye on each other as they ate and then the new kitty made his exit. i'll have to get some more catfood just in case the little guy comes back again.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
powered by espresso
cafe indigo is a good spot to fuel up before a ride, especially on sundays. after a few shots we rolled north out of town for a nice 40-50mi spin.
high noon
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
art walkin'
6'2" of loveliness
i consider myself lucky to have friends who want to ride bikes with me, and i feel extremely lucky when they want to do the same thing while wearing a dress and heels! it's the first friday of the month art walk and kate came down from omaha to hang out. she said she was going to wear a new pair of heels, which suprised me because she had told me before that the last time she wore a pair was seven years ago! well if you ask me i think she should buy a few more pairs. :)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
miercoles miles
lis tries to get a signal in a pitstop in denton...

i took lis out on a nice 40mi south west loop tonight. ofcourse we refreshed ourselves with a few margaritas afterwards.
i took lis out on a nice 40mi south west loop tonight. ofcourse we refreshed ourselves with a few margaritas afterwards.
Monday, August 03, 2009
miss monday
newbie kaitlyn got in her first road ride tonight... and she's hooked. welcome to the roadie world kaitlyn :) she loves her cross-check but now wants a road bike. as we cruised on roca road we even ran into nate getting his daily dose of vitamin G (gravel road riding).
Sunday, August 02, 2009
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