i did about 45 miles on the gios earlier, and after a shower and a nap... i went for some mexican food. i finished it off with some nice cold horchata.
'never again during the remainder of his journey to San Francisco would he equal or surpass this day's eighty-eight-mile effort. furthermore, never again on the trip would he encounter roads as fine as those he met in the Cornhusker state. riding through Wyoming and every state or territory thereafter, Nellis would long for the "excellent paths" of Nebraska.' - An American Cycling Odyssey, 1887
OHH man...my fav. drink on a warm day....make that any day!
d'leon's has pretty good horchata. where do you get your fix, or do you make your own?
My mom and sister used to make Horchata back in the barrio. Leons does have good Horchata. Good licks too.
Hi guys. I'm really white. What's a lick?
it was good to see you out and about this weekend conrad. it was a great weekend for pedaling.
i like horchata too... mmmm... horchata. my wife is always amazed at how quickly i can make that stuff disappear.
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