Sunday, May 14, 2006


ok, ready to get back on the bike! sydney is tough.


cvo said...

glad your ok, I think that hospital see's the majority of biker accidents in town...

proximity to wilderness, and the denton, beatrice loop, via hwy 77,

and it's proxitmity to pioneers...

we should have a bike rack out the emegency room entrace any day now...

cvo said...

get well soon

chicks with scars are cool and sexxy

How do i get to my old stuff said...

Whew. What a relief, 3p0. I was sooooo worried. ;)

Oh, and did you know .... that when the hospital asks you how you arrived at the ER, that they seem to have every conveyance known to man *except* a bike on the their list? And, they don't have a rack. Oh well, guess we should start parking them inside the lobby.